Czech Logic, Card & Gambling Games
Logické hry.iso
Fish Fillets
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53 lines
dialogId("zav-v-sto", "font_big", "Please note, that this level contains one hundred and nine objects.")
dialogStr("Toma nota, que este nivel contiene ciento nueve objetos.")
dialogId("zav-v-trpyt", "font_big", "And all of them gleam beautifully.")
dialogStr("Y todos ellos brillan de forma hermosa.")
dialogId("zav-m-pohnout", "font_small", "Please note, that I can`t move a fin here.")
dialogStr("Toma nota, que no puedo mover ni una aleta aquí.")
dialogId("zav-m-krasa", "font_small", "It`s beautiful! Everything gleams so much...")
dialogStr("¡Es hermoso! Todo el lugar resplandece...")
dialogId("zav-v-venku", "font_big", "It`ll be much nicer when we get out.")
dialogStr("Será mucho más hermoso cuando salgamos.")
dialogId("zav-v-zaval", "font_big", "This is very dangerous cave-in. We are lucky to be alive.")
dialogStr("Esta es una gruta muy peligrosa. Tenemos suerte de estar vivos.")
dialogId("zav-m-hopskok", "font_small", "Don`t speak too soon. We`re still in here.")
dialogStr("No te anticipes. Todavía estamos aquí.")
dialogId("zav-m-kameny", "font_small", "Don`t you think that these stones are arranged in a different way?")
dialogStr("¿No crees que esas piedras están organizadas de una forma distinta?")
dialogId("zav-v-zeleny", "font_big", "You are right. That green one was surely over there!")
dialogStr("Tienes razón. ¡Esa verde, seguro que estaba por allá!")
dialogId("zav-v-restart", "font_big", "I think that these jewels arrange themselves in a different way after each restart.")
dialogStr("Creo que esas joyas se ordenan a si mismas en una forma distinta después de reiniciar.")
dialogId("zav-m-pravda", "font_small", "Yeah, you`re right. Maybe they form some sensible pattern sometimes.")
dialogStr("Si, tienes razón. Quizás forman algún patron en especial algunas veces.")
dialogId("zav-m-hrac", "font_small", "Look, our player obviously satiated his need for colors.")
dialogStr("Mira, nuestro jugador obviamente saci├│ su hambre de colores.")
dialogId("zav-v-zachranit", "font_big", "Maybe he could try to save us instead now.")
dialogStr("Quizás ahora intente grabarnos en esta ocasión.")